A problem that accompanied me for more than half a year, I spent evenings with error analysis and troubleshooting. After some update my Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266) could not establish a TLS encrypted connection to the Mosquitto MQTT broker.
Error message in PlatformIO’s Serial Monitor:
Connection to MQTT broker failed with state failed with state -2
Error message in the log /var/log/mosquitto.log of Mosquitto MQTT Broker:
New connection from on port 8883.
Socket error on client <unknown>, disconnecting.
First I searched in the reference of the PubSubClient, tried several previous versions here, because I suspected the error here first. https://pubsubclient.knolleary.net/api.html
-2 : MQTT_CONNECT_FAILED - the network connection failed
Solutions on Mosquitto MQTT Broker
The first is require_certificate, which may be set to true or false. If false, the SSL/TLS component of the client will verify the server but there is no requirement for the client to provide anything for the server: authentication is limited to the MQTT built in username/password.
listener 8883
certfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/mqtt_server.crt
cafile /etc/mosquitto/certs/ca.crt
keyfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/mqtt_server.key
require_certificate false
Solutions on Arduino
Adding the right libraries
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
Increasing the MQTT max packet size
Sets the largest packet size, in bytes, the client will handle. Any packet received that exceeds this size will be ignored. Default: 128 bytes
Changing the Wifi mode
Add the following statement before the actual WiFi connect takes place.
Using the WifiClientSecure instead of the WifiClient
Make sure ESP8266 is set to 160MHz
board_build.f_cpu = 160000000L
Reading out the TLS Buffer
To find out what happens during the TLS handshake you should read the buffer
Serial.print("Connection to MQTT broker failed with state: ");
char puffer[100];
Serial.print("TLS connection failed with state: ");
Here I finally got the following error message, which led me to the actual solution of the problem.
Chain could not be linked to a trust anchor
Add espClient.setInsecure(); to the setup section
If you are not afraid of DNS attacks and want to disable CA validation, this statement will ultimately lead to success.
void setup() {
For the sake of completeness, the PubSubClient also offers the possibility of integrating the certificate of the Certification Authority (CA) by which a higher security level can be achieved.